Significance of Buying Gold on Dhanteras

Significance of Buying Gold on Dhanteras

November 15, 2023

Posted by: vummidi

Category: Festival Jewellry


Dhanteras, also known as Dhantrayodashi, is the first day of the Diwali festival in India. It is a day dedicated to the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity. Dhanteras is considered to be an auspicious day to buy gold and silver.

A Prosperity Tradition

Have you ever noticed how gold always seems to hold a special glint of possibility? For many people and cultures over time, this precious metal has come to represent something special.

In India, its importance dates back to ancient stories that are still told today. As the festival of lights called Diwali approaches, traditions are connected to worshipping and buying gold on one particular day. 

What mysteries and meanings lie behind this practice? Read on to know more about the symbolic reasons this yellow metal holds for the celebrations. Discover its role and why investment in gold is so highly regarded.

Reasons to buy gold on Dhanteras

An integral part of the Dhanteras celebrations is buying gold or silver, as it is considered highly auspicious. Here are the reasons why buying gold on Dhanteras is significant:

  • Gold is associated with the Goddess Lakshmi. According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi emerged from the ocean of milk with a pot of gold in her hands. Therefore, buying gold on Dhanteras is seen as a way to invite Goddess Lakshmi into one’s home and bring good fortune.
  • Gold is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Gold has been valued for its beauty and rarity for centuries. It is also seen as a safe and secure investment. Buying gold on Dhanteras is seen as a way to attract wealth and prosperity into one’s life.
  • Gold is believed to protect from bad omens. According to Hindu mythology, gold has the power to ward off evil spirits and negative energies. Therefore, buying gold on Dhanteras is seen as a way to protect oneself and one’s family from bad omens.

The tradition of buying gold on Dhanteras, which marks the beginning of the five-day Diwali festival in India, is rich with stories and deep symbolism.

According to a popular tale, King Hima’s son was predicted to die on the fourth day of his marriage from a snake bite. His bride, in a desperate attempt to save her husband, placed all her gold ornaments and jewellery at the door and lit lamps. 

When Yama, the god of death, appeared in the form of a snake to bite the prince, he was blinded by the gleam of all the precious ornaments and left without harming him.

This ancient incident is said to be the origin of the tradition of buying gold on Dhanteras, which is believed to protect one from bad omens and bring good fortune.

Celebrating Prosperity: VBJ’s Exquisite Collection

Dhanteras, a significant Hindu festival that marks the beginning of the Diwali celebrations, is traditionally associated with purchasing precious metals, particularly gold and silver. We at Vummidi Bangaru Jewellers, renowned for our exquisite craftsmanship and trusted heritage, offer a remarkable opportunity to partake in this age-old custom. 

As families and individuals prepare to celebrate this auspicious occasion, buying gold from VBJ not only symbolises prosperity and good fortune but also reflects a timeless commitment to quality and tradition. With a legacy spanning decades, VBJ continues to uphold our reputation as a trusted purveyor of intricately designed gold jewellery and the cherished values it embodies.

Visit our showroom in Chennai to explore our collections. And now, if you’re in the US, you don’t have to miss out, as we’re proud to announce our presence in Texas. 

Make your Diwali even more special with VBJ’s exquisite collections!

FAQs Related to Significance of Buying Gold on Dhanteras

Why is buying gold on Dhanteras considered auspicious?
Buying gold on Dhanteras is considered auspicious due to its association with Goddess Lakshmi, believed to bring wealth and prosperity. Additionally, gold is seen as a symbol of good fortune and financial security.

What is the significance of Goddess Lakshmi in relation to gold buying on Dhanteras?
Goddess Lakshmi is revered as the embodiment of wealth and prosperity in Hindu mythology. Purchasing gold on Dhanteras is seen as a way to seek her blessings and ensure financial well-being for the family.

How does VBJ’s collection reflect the essence of the Dhanteras tradition?
Vummidi Bangaru Jewellers’ collection embodies the rich cultural heritage and craftsmanship. The exquisite designs and quality craftsmanship showcase the essence of prosperity and timeless traditions integral to the festival.



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